Clinton Boys bio photo

Clinton Boys

Australian software engineer and mathematician, living in London.

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Last updated: May 12, 2024.

This page contains a quick overview of what I’m doing right now. I try to update it every couple of months. You can see the full history of this page here.

Relocation to London

I relocated to London in August last year with my wife and children. We are through our first winter here and are really enjoying exploring this wonderful city, and recalibrating our relationship to sunshine.


I’ve been working at Via since 2018, doing all sorts of different and interesting stuff, mostly related to algorithms and data science and then building interesting and useful products around these things. Lately I am spending a lot of time on more “core” engineering projects, with a focus on system design, performance, visibility and efficiency at scale.

Big walk

In March I did a 1-day, 40km walk along a significant part of the Green Chain Walk in southeast London. This walk was mostly inspired by Craig Mod’s many writings about the magic of long-distance solo walking over the years. I hope I can find the time and energy to do more things like this in the near future.


  • Collected Poems by Philip Larkin
  • A Month in the Country by J.L. Carr
  • Notes on the Synthesis of Form by Christopher Alexander


  • Only God Was Above Us by Vampire Weekend
  • Bright Future by Adrianne Lenker
  • Surfer Rosa by Pixies