Clinton Boys bio photo

Clinton Boys

Australian data scientist and mathematician, living in London.

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I am an Australian mathematician, data scientist and engineer living and working in London (formerly Tel Aviv). You can visit my now page to see what I’m up to and what’s on my mind at the moment.

I graduated from the University of Sydney in 2011 with a First Class Honours degree in Pure Mathematics, and then in 2015 with a PhD in Mathematics. You can find answers to some frequently asked questions about my PhD here.

In 2015 I moved to Tel Aviv and have been working since then as a data scientist at various startups. Currently I’m working at Via. In my eight years’ experience I have become more and more of a generalist, incorporating software engineering, algorithm development and a lot of other tools into my toolkit.

In 2023 I relocated with Via to London with my family.

If you’re interested in more details, you can find my resume here.

My blog contains posts with five main themes:

  • Data and data science. Some examples are this post on the bias-variance tradeoff and this small project where I do some analysis on my taste in music.
  • Elections and modelling. Some examples are the series of posts starting here about the pitfalls and difficulties of coming up with a model for forecasting Australian elections, or this post which simulates the 2019 UK election under the Australian system.
  • Mathematics, statistics and computer science. Some examples are this post on the weak law of large numbers from a geometric perspective, or this discussion of a universality property of neural networks.
  • emacs. The best place to start is the first post in my series on my emacs configuration.
  • General hacking and programming. Some examples are the most popular post on this site, about a script I wrote that stitches together Google Trends data from different timescales, or this tongue-in-cheek lifetime flight simulator.

If you’d like to know more about the tools I use to get things done, you can find my answers to the usesthis questionnaire here. You can also explore my digital garden.


This site is served off Github pages, using Jekyll with the Minimal Mistakes theme by Michael Rose with some small customisations, and the MathJax plugin for displaying LaTeX.